Blame the Internet! A meme
Just so you know, I blame the Internet for everything. Because really it is the source of SO MUCH! For example, I blame the Internet... For the time suck games [...]
Just so you know, I blame the Internet for everything. Because really it is the source of SO MUCH! For example, I blame the Internet... For the time suck games [...]
This is the sound of my writer's block... I was fooling around with online poetry generators just for fun and oh my god, are they awful! I know half of [...]
Dear Weather, I am entirely frustrated with you. I've never met anyone so fickle. First, you ran cold all summer and I've got to be honest, weather, sometimes when a [...]
We canceled our newspaper subscription and now I find I never know what the weather is going to be. Or the news. I am sadly ill informed. I should be [...]
I was over at Always Home and Uncool and he reminded me that it was time once again to churn out the family newsletter! Yeah, we’re one of those families… [...]
“Brains! Brains! Annnnnnnd….. they’re gone.” “Whew! I needed a break. I’m still trying to digest that last batch. Is it just me or are they getting easier to catch?” “Nah, [...]
My brain is mush today. Granted, Chance woke us up a couple times last night because he was running a fever and kept waking up thirsty. But get this, I [...]
I was tagged by Summer with a meme! I’ve noticed that not nearly as many memes circulate as they used to, but I still think they’re fun every once in [...]
Well, there have been some interesting lines, songs, and words contributed by you grand folks. And I admit this whole experiment has sent me back to prepubescent camp days (and [...]