A Different Kind of PMS

2006-09-07T23:32:54+00:00September 7, 2006|Venting|

First of all, I just want to say thanks so much to everyone who has given me health tips, commiserating stories, or just encouragement on my whole hormonal issue.  Seriously, [...]

Damn Computer!

2006-06-25T16:02:27+00:00June 25, 2006|Venting|

My goddamn, brand new, frickin computer that I've only had up for TWO WEEKS keeps crashing and giving me errors!!  I am not happy. Of course, the help techinician on [...]

New Village Needed

2006-03-07T00:00:45+00:00March 7, 2006|Venting|

I’ve been reading lately about the Mommy Wars and the debates out there in the news and blogosphere.  You know, it’s the same old contest of who’s being a better [...]

24 – Cue the Music

2006-01-22T20:40:29+00:00January 22, 2006|Venting|

I’ve been catching up on my Tivo this weekend.  I had quite a backlog going.  So I just finished watching the second 2-hour segment of 24.  I know this show [...]

Quit It

2005-12-02T08:34:07+00:00December 2, 2005|Venting|

When my in-laws come over to babysit they’re always washing my dishes for me.  Except, even though we have a perfectly good dishwasher, they wash them all by hand.  I [...]

2005-10-12T17:27:54+00:00October 12, 2005|Venting|

My son is growing so fast… it is a miracle to watch. And I love it… however, he is also literally throwing my back into all sorts of hell.  But [...]


2005-10-06T10:24:00+00:00October 6, 2005|Venting|

Apparently, I am the only one in the house not allowed to poop.  The baby is certainly allowed to, as is the cats and the hubby.  Oh sure, I might [...]

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