When my in-laws come over to babysit they’re always washing my dishes for me. Except, even though we have a perfectly good dishwasher, they wash them all by hand. I really wish they would stop. I’m sorry, I just don’t trust that everything is sanitized properly. But how do you tell someone, “Please stop being nice because I don’t think you’re doing it right,” or even, “Your helpfulness is giving me the willies,”? – wg
My mom does this at my house… She wants to help with everything, from cleaning to cooking to laundry.
When we’re at HER house and try to help with anything she says, “Oh no, you sit down and relax… You’re guests!”
It’s a maternal thing. I guess take the dishes they wash by hand and run them through the dish washer. Pick and choose your battles carefully.
I know, it’s so frustrating but I wouldn’t say anything. Usually, I just make sure there AREN’T any dishes for them to wash, but yesterday I was behind and left a few in the sink. More vigilance is required of me.
I bet your in-laws do a much better job cleaning the dishes than that machine. People did survive before dishwashers were invented. If you are still a little uneasy, just confirm that your husband never suffered from any gastrointestinal ailments in his formative years.
You know, you could always turn the “guest” thing around on them. If they still insist on doing the dishes, ask them to use the dishwasher because it will make you feel less guilty about your guests doing your housework. The problem may be that they just aren’t sure about how to operate the contraption.