My son is growing so fast… it is a miracle to watch. And I love it… however, he is also literally throwing my back into all sorts of hell.  But I’m too busy being mom so I don’t go the chiropractor or the orthopedic masseuse like I should, or even always do the proper stretching exercises.  Nope.  Occasionally, I take a muscle relaxant and plot escape.   

That’s about the whole of it. 

Tonight we are going to the opening game of the Sharks.  I like watching hockey live,  and although I wouldn’t call myself a fanatic, I do know enough about the game to get irritated by the morons yelling insults who obviously don’t understand the rules.  Plus, I’m not so stupid that I would give up free luxury box tickets from an esteemed benefactor. (cough cough)

So, even though the hockey arena is always chilly, and the seats aren’t that much better in a box than in the stands, and I’ll be worrying the entire time about how our son is doing because this will be the first babysitting trip coinciding with his night-time feeding and bed-time routine, even with all of that I am kind of looking forward to not being in the role of Jungle Gym Mom for three whole hours.  I hope my back appreciates it.        – the weirdgirl