Rent My Husband

2007-09-19T11:49:38+00:00September 19, 2007|Bad Mommy|

My old buddy Fuzz has once again led me to the wonders of the Internet… the latest of his great finds, Marry Our Daughter.  This site made me think about [...]

WPT Gone Wild

2007-06-29T00:06:34+00:00June 29, 2007|Bad Mommy|

I messed up. Messed up something fierce. I thought I was being a good mom but nope. The whole day was just one mommy faux pas after another. In retrospect, it was like watching [...]

Me and My Poop KARMA!

2007-02-02T10:16:56+00:00February 2, 2007|Bad Mommy|

GODDAMNIT! I know this is because I was looking at pictures of shit!  I jumped in for a quick shower while Chance was distracted by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, with the [...]

Out of Sync Again

2006-06-07T00:38:33+00:00June 7, 2006|Bad Mommy|

I’ve noticed more and more on the web people have been discussing books they’ve read, reviewed, shared, etc.  Since most (not all) of the blogs I read tend towards parenting [...]

Orange Eight, Green Seven

2006-05-29T22:56:32+00:00May 29, 2006|Bad Mommy|

Our house, like many families, looks like it has children living there.  Telltale signs include toys scattered all over the floor, half-masticated lumps of food, grubby fingerprints showing up in [...]

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