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Massive writer's block. Just stymied. Or I've got too much floating in my brain and I can't organize it. But I did decide to shut off my syndication feed. I'd [...]
Massive writer's block. Just stymied. Or I've got too much floating in my brain and I can't organize it. But I did decide to shut off my syndication feed. I'd [...]
At the rate I'm going it'll take me a year to finish all of these. Day 07 - Someone who has made your life worth living for This one's easy [...]
Day 06 - Something you hope you never have to do I'm just refusing to do this one on principle. I'm a parent. I think this one is pretty obvious [...]
I'm not one for resolutions. I think they're kind of a setup and for those of use who can't turn off the "what have you achieved" voice in our heads [...]
I'm doing this one together so you can really see the hypocrisy! Day 03 - Something you have to forgive yourself for I'm still in the middle of this so [...]
This week has been a little nuts. We had some tantrum episodes because once I typed about how things were fine, I jinxed myself. Again. I really gotta stop doing [...]
I've been feeling a lot lately that I have the blog from blah hell so I'm going to give this a go. There is a list at Avitable's, but I'll [...]