And that’s how you lose stuffed animals
We've been sick all week. The kiddo came down with it first, of course, with a really high fever that wouldn't come down, even with the advil/tylenol swap and baths [...]
We've been sick all week. The kiddo came down with it first, of course, with a really high fever that wouldn't come down, even with the advil/tylenol swap and baths [...]
The post I had written, the thoughtful one with a point, just got eaten. This has been happening more frequently lately. The ad network was pulled down without notice (and [...]
Lamest reason ever not to post? My nails are too long. Yes, I know some ladies would love to have natural nails that look like this but trust me typing [...]
Chance woke up with a very high fever this morning, 103.7, and I gave him motrin and threw him in the bath and basically did all the things to bring [...]
I've been a little bummed this week. Our school, which has already had some really terrible luck this year - we had a devastating fire in July, a molestation arrest [...]
The title should be self-explanatory, no? 1. Spent an afternoon rushing from the party store to the $.99 store comparison shopping to save money on party plates (savings = $4.00!), [...]
Every time I have a day where I think I'll get caught up on things, something happens. And that goes the same for blogging. Yesterday was one of those days. [...]
I'm having one of those days.I am swamped with work.I've got a toxic frog running around the house. (Chance left the "feed" door open (a.k.a where we drop the bugs) [...]
Holy crapmonkeys, is it Wednesday already?! Well, in the basic breakdown of my days it seems like I work and drive Chance around to places he "needs to be". That [...]