The title should be self-explanatory, no?

1. Spent an afternoon rushing from the party store to the $.99 store comparison shopping to save money on party plates (savings = $4.00!), only to then go to the pharmacy and blow a $100 bucks. All on necessary items like prescriptions and razors. Really?

2. Doctors whom you've just met making blanket statements about you.  Such as, "Oh, you're not pregnant" or "Your hormones are just fine."  You need to actually examine someone first, if not test them and you can't tell just by looking.  And why are these statement always "female problems" related?

3. Hormonal acne (emphasis on the hormones)

4. Erythromycin

5. I am an organized person but mornings have set out to prove me wrong. Bitch.

6. My studies at school included a BA in English Literature, partial completion of an MA in American Literature with an emphasis on mythological archetypes, and minors in creative writing and philosophy. I worked my way through school.  I then spent 11 years working in Marketing (mainly paying off school).  Nowadays I clean up cat puke at least once a week.  Not sure if that's karmic payback or the natural order of things.

Please feel free to add your own.