Lamest reason ever not to post?  My nails are too long.

Fingernails 004

Yes, I know some ladies would love to have natural nails that look like this but trust me typing with them is a serious pain in the ass. It is typos galore and double letters everywhere. I seriously do not know how ladies with fake nails even do it.  My nails grow so fast I have to cut them at least once a month, and I don't give them a trim either, I cut them down to about 2mm in length and now they are already up to 7mm. Chance's are the same but I'm cutting them every other week or sooner. I think he's going through a growth spurt.

Other reasons why I haven't blogged, the short answer…

Stomach flu

Tons of work

Velentine's day (school parties shouldn't be that much work)

Chance gets a cold/pink eye

Trip to Disneyland

Some of those things happened simultaneously or in quick succession. And do you think I packed a file for our trip?  No, I did not.  Just as the edges started to fray into fabric catching, scratch myself accidentally, rough spikes.  The point is I'm sick of 'em (and of fixing typos) so I'm going to expound on all of that later after I cut my fricking nails.                  – wg