The Thread Count is In
A couple of years ago when Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion came out I quickly downloaded the book to my kindle and tore through it. Partly because I hadn't heard [...]
A couple of years ago when Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion came out I quickly downloaded the book to my kindle and tore through it. Partly because I hadn't heard [...]
The summer flew by. And I don't mean that in the usual way where you go, oh wow, where'd the week go? in a general attempt to deflect from the [...]
Thanks to Walgreens for underwriting this post. I was paid as a member of the Clever Girls Collective, but the content is all mine. Visit This opp came up [...]
So I made the first of my sewing projects! Wanna see?This is very basic t-shirt surgery but I cut down one of Keen's ringer tees into this: It was my [...]
Now that Keen has lost so much weight he has this pile of clothes that are waaaay too big. Literally, it's a pile because I was all, "Hey, can I [...]
The problem with horses is... they move.I was on a runaway horse once. I was about five or so. The farmer leading me, Queen of farm animals, and the horse [...]
I have a cold. But you know what makes me feel better? Looking at these. Came back from vacation and there they were waiting for me. Thank you Delivery [...]
I have an all day work meeting on Wednesday and yet I have so few work-appropriate clothes left in my closet that 1) fit, 2) aren’t all dusty/stretched out/bleached on [...]
A strange phenomenon is happening as I get older… I’m becoming a bag lady. Well, in truth, I’ve always been a bag lady. I was condemned to walk this path [...]
We had a nice anniversary dinner Friday night, but Chance had a really bad fever (104 and climbing) when we got home - which the unnamed older relatives failed to [...]