I’ve made it to ONE of the local playgroup’s walks so far. (I only started my “preview month” two weeks ago, but you know, with the roof and everything.) The two ladies I met were really nice so I’m hoping to make it to at least two walks a week. However, at this initial walk one thing did become blindingly clear… I have NO athletic footwear. It’s not even that I don’t have suitable athletic footwear for true walkers, because yes, these ladies DO walk (and they book it, too). No. I have no athletic footwear! As I was digging through my closet I realized I have very little footwear that does not involve some sort of heel. I was a little stumped. Believe it or not, I actually do work out. It just so happens that a lot of the workouts I do (such as squats, lunges, my elliptic trainer, and of course, the good ol’ hoola hoop) can be done in cheapo Target ked-like shoes (what we used to call “tennies”) or in bare feet. (Please, no heart attacks from all of you jocks out there.)
I AM aware that most of the population lives and dies by their athletic shoes; people love them, they scrounge money to buy a stylish pair, they are emotionally caught up in the brand, the construction, the “specially designed for their sport of choice” uniqueness of each athletic shoe. But not me. (In fact, I even remember being in a cultural diversity class in college and the instructor pointing out that the American uniform tends to be jeans, t-shirts, and athletic shoes. He said, “Hey, how often do you see a pair of hard-soled shoes on an American?” I looked around the class and there WAS one person… oh wait, that was me.) I went from hard-soled loafer-esque shoes and boots (can you say Doc Martins?) to various high-heeled beauties and basically skipped the whole “American” love affair with athletic gear. I owned my last pair of athletic shoes in high school (maybe I was traumatized from gym?). Anything physical up to a few years ago I accomplished in cheap tennies or hiking boots.
Sadly now, I don’t even have a good pair of hiking boots. (And I’ve always loved hiking so I don’t know how that happened.) You would think that at some point I would have bought a pair of athletic shoes and stashed them in the back of the closet for just-in-case athletic events, but then I remembered… oh yeah!… I don’t like athletic shoes! I think that many of them are ugly, and not only ugly but big and white and heavy and PLASTIC ugly! That’s why I stopped buying athletic shoes! (Actually, come to think of it, that’s why I stopped wearing Doc Martins too… the heavy factor, the bulky shoe. Basically once you start seeing yourself in the sexy, makes-your-butt-higher-and-your-legs-longer effect of heels, especially comfy heels (yes, they do exist) I think it’s hard to go back.)
But I suppose if I’m going to do a couple of walks a week with the power moms I need to suck it up and buy a pair before I permanently cripple my feet. Plus, it IS awfully hard to trot along a trail for any length of time in 3 inch (but oh so stylish, and have you seen how good my butt looks?) boots. I can’t promise that I’ll buy a matching track suit to go with the shoes, however. It was just in this last year that I bought the first “hoodie” I had worn since, you got it, high school. Baby steps, people.
Though make no mistake oh ye who would criticize my choice in parenting footwear, I CAN run in heels! – the weirdgirl
You know, they do have sneakers with heels. They wear them proudly ALL over Japan 🙂 I would have bought a pair but they don’t make shoes over a size 5 over there…
And seriously, the new wave of athletic shoes, sans the crazy pseudo-retro things that people never wore the first time, are pretty kewl. Even for a non-jock, artsy gal like me.
I’m with you. I went from Vans to Skechers dress/casual shoes. But then again, I don’t run so I don’t need tennis shoes. Just slip on my old Vans to mow the lawn, etc.
Just the other day I was at the Mall with my son when I noticed that a lot of women were wearing satin-like black pants with a white stripe down each side. What’s up with that? I’d only wear those as pajamas…certainly not in public.
I have a pair of athletic shoes but I hate them. I also never wear them. They are there “just in case”, but I don’t know exactly what “just in case” is.
I do like some of the new athletic shoe styles that have come out; some of them are pretty sleek. And I actually kind of dig the “retro” bowling-shoe-looking ones, but that’s just because it takes me back to my mod loafer-wearing days. Now it will just be finding ones that feel good (sometimes they don’t fit right on me – I probably have no arch at this point).
And I know what you mean about the pajamas-out-of-the-house thing. I know they’re comfy and it’s great for some people, but I just can’t leave the house in anything less casual than jeans (…and heeled shoes – I know! It’s an addiction).
I was impressed by your red boots when I met you.
What about clogs? I know, I know, just the word “clog” is awful, but the hidden secret of the clog is that it still gives you a good 1.5 inch heel. plus it’s sturdy and good for walking. and plain. no plastic.
I live in jeans and trainers. Heels still scare me – I only ever wear them for parties etc. I think I need to grow up a bit, style-wise!
Hmmm, clogs. (Do they still call them that?) That might be an alternative. My mom loves them. It’s kind of funny because for years all she would buy were cheap shoes and now she drags me to expensive Norwegian (Swedish?) stores to expand her collection.