I’ve had a post half-written in my brain all day and now I’m totally pooped.  Because, of course, I’ve got the same amount of crap to do in a day that I woke up an hour later in (on? of?) and I’ve got to compensate for the kiddo’s adjusting time frame as well, besides the fact that he decided to skip his nap today, totally screwing with our timechange sleep strategy for him (which, yeah, we threw that strategy together at the last minute having forgotten about setting the clocks back (forward? what time IS it?) altogether but still). 

On the one hand, I appreciate the purposes of daylight savings time, especially right before Halloween as it allows us to take the kids trick or treating "after dark" at a still reasonable hour (i.e. before bedtime).  On the other hand, if anyone has ANY tips on how to prevent my toddler from waking up at 6:30 tomorrow morning (have I mentioned I’m not a morning person?) I would LOVE to hear them!!

Anyway, I’m pooped.  It’s 11:30ish which means it’s really… um… OK, I don’t know.  I never could keep that crap straight.  I’ll write tomorrow… probably at 6 in the fricking 30 morning!   *grumble grumble growl*   I need some pirate booty.            – wg

P.S. Doesn’t timechange just seem like it should be one word?