Chance picks up an apple, dances it on the tabletop. Takes bites out of corners, “BOAT! Woah woah
woah dr boat, yagada di de dum!”

Picks up chex mix, has two of them sail boat.

“Now dis… rook! Baggeda in ogg and stay goomis right here.”

Boat with chex crew sails around tabletop. Then…

“Bye!” Chomp! (Alas, poor apple, chex, we hardly knew ye.)

Chance picks up a chicken nugget. “Ewelphent! Err-rrrer err-rrerr!” (elephant

Dances elephant along tabletop.

“Bye!” Chomp.

Another chicken nugget. “Shark! Swim shark, swim swim
swim. Backa ti fish here.”

Shark swims along the tabletop for a long time. Chance really likes the shark. Then…

“Bye shark!” Chomp. “Mmmmm.”


His English still isn’t very clear but his intent is plain
enough. No mercy from the hungry. 

                – wg