As part of Kara’s Mother’s Day tribute, here is my contribution.  Button_2                                                      From a mom, to all moms, everywhere.   

At the Toy Store 

The manic rush and push to finish chores,

those errands (never ending); tempers stretch

to breaking, sun cooks afternoon too long

and mothers wait for meltdowns. Then a roar

and stomp of Frankenstein feet, all spitfire,

all gloried heat, but soon diminished, set

to right (such comfort found in mommy’s might).

The youngest only reach for spinning dust and laugh.

Us mothers watching mothers, share a nod,

a look and all is understood.  Life changed

at first uncertain knowing – fanning dreams   

and haunting visions, banning fears of old.

The question, “do I dare to eat a peach?” was moot.

For now, how do we bear to let them reach?

How do we loose young ones from safe embrace?

(And how not?) Our greatest fears and pride unfold.

And through the worst of tantrums, there is still

no sweeter sound than their cries, no fires

brighter than their eyes – our little dragons, all.

(Yet we more fierce to defend.)  By them

we learned the truth: all joy is twinned with wings

of pain (and none more worth the love we’ve gained).

With every child birthed, double lives are found:

First the babe brought forth, then we ourselves are born.


                                                 – with love, the weirdgirl