We had our first SST meeting for Chance at school last week. SST stands for Student Success Team.  I guess it used to stand for Student Study Team or something like that but someone decided that wasn't positive enough so they changed it.  They also call tutoring/study club "intervention" or "support".  The marketing person in me finds the spin amusing.

Anyway, I have been trying to get all our resources together… trying out a few new OT techniques, looking for new materials.  I passed around this book at school and I'm not sure I'm gonna get it back!  (Which is a shame because our OT/Speech therapy is all excited to see it, too. Guess I'm ordering more.)  I'm currently researching noise-reduction or isolation headphones so if there are any SPD/autism parents out there with suggestions please ping me!  I will love you long time.  We're trying chewing gum in the classroom for focus and to stop someone's little motor mouth from running.  I had put together a "busy bag" full of fidget items and worksheets and that has been helping a bit when he just can't sit still.  Starting this week I'm also going to be picking Chance up and bringing him home for lunch.  This is a big one because it cuts my day in half but it just seems like most of his melt-down incidents happen in the afternoons or at lunch time.  We've been discussing giving him a scheduled break in the middle of the day to get away from all the stimulation but honestly, I'm not sure the school has the aide/resources to enforce a break every single day and it might just be moving him from one stimulating environment to another.  So I think getting away from the 180-student lunch time noisy cafeteria/recess might be the break he needs.  We're going to try it anyway and see how it goes.  At least the school year is half-way over.

And President's Week is next week!  Woot!

(I'm going to Disneyland.)                   – wg