TV: “Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog…”
*vroom vroom*
Keen: “Hey, babe? How much do I put in?”
*bang bang bang*
Me: “What?”
Keen: “How much fluoride goes in his juice?”
*bang bang vvVroom… Caterpillar!* (resulting noise when two toy caterpillar trucks, with sound, are crashed together repeatedly)
Me: “Um…”
TV: “Hot dog, HOT DOG…”
Me: “Uh…”
Keen: “You know, that thing you do every day…?”
*vroom vroom BANG! vroom*
TV: “Next on Playhouse Disney…”
Me (defeated): “I don’t remember, check the label.”
See? Sound waves block recall function! – the weirdgirl
Note – All findings tested on mother rats with children addicted to modern media-based entertainment.
wow, I wish I hadn’t read that after having four beers at lunch…I think I’m getting groggy.