Keen: “Don’t worry, my body is just purging. I’ll be fine now.”
Me: “Oh, my poor guys. I’m not even sick.”
Chance: *raaawrrf* *hysterical crying*
Keen: “Crap! You didn’t give him an Oreo, did you?”
Me: “Um… this is not the right carpet cleaner!”
Chance: “Somebody get this diaper off my butt! IT’S COMING OUT MY BUTT NOW!” *hysterical crying*
Chance: “OK Mom, you hold me and I’ll just spew right over your shoulder, OK? In fact, you don’t let go of me at all and this will all stop soon. Right?!”
Me: “Do you want to give him another bath or swab the deck?”
Keen: “Ugh…bath…but I’ll fold the last two batches of laundry.”
Me: “Deal. I’m going to start another load. Got any pukey clothes?”
Keen: “Here. Have another pair of ‘blow-out’ pants.”
Me: “OK, stomach, if you’ll just let me drink this mocha I’ll eat bread for a week. I promise. I need this mocha.”
Me: “Why am I even bothering to take a shower?”
Keen: “Food Network, you’re dead to me.”
Chance, 4 days later: *raawrrff… raawrf* “Hey Mom, I need a new graham cracker… and maybe a new outfit. Ooh, look, cars!”
I’ve been in that situation before…but with TWO sick little ones at the same time.
Try them apples.
Ugh. Having two kids sick would suck! This one has just been tough because it’s the first time all of us have gotten sick at the same time. And this stupid flu will not go away!
I’ve been there. Good luck
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