I am being luxuriously lazy this week. I know there are people who get depressed after everything is over, but not me. I love it. I love the holiday letdown! Makes me imagine what a full life of leisure might be like. And just like I predicted, I am in my jammies, eating chocolate-based goodies (with only a smidge of guilt).
I figure I got this whole week before life gets busy again. I think the next thing on my list is to research/tour/apply to elementary schools for next year. Blech.
I wanted to show you one of my reduce/reuse/recycle/wg-is-a-cheapskate projects. I made this wreath…
… of which I am inordinately proud (because I'm not very good with anything vaguely in the "sewing" genre). It's not a terribly innovative design idea, pieces of cloth strung on a wire, but guess what it's made out of? T-shirts!
I always seem to have a pile of tees that have stretched/shrunk/gotten bleach on/developed a hole/stain/ etc. This particular wreath includes tees that were pre-pregnancy (of the era of "belly baring", need I say more), tees that were an incredible $3 a pop from Coldwater Creek so how could I pass that up and bought, like, six which all turned out to be the wrong fit, and even one that I received at BlogHer 07 (represent FLAVORx!).
I cut up eight different t-shirts and the wreath came out between 13 -14" wide. I wanted more volume so I puckered the squares a bit with a stitch in the middle, instead of layering them on flat. The thing I liked was that since it's jersey the colors are still vibrant and it's really cushy and soft. Plus, this was a project that cost nothing but time. A zone-out-in-front-of-the-TV project.
I also liked being able to mix the colors up with something a little funkier than traditional red and green. I'm really pleased with how it came out. The only glitch is I need to re-string it on stiffer wire. If I hold it up as it is that sucker sags like a grannies knockers out of their bra. Whoops!
Hope you all are having a relaxing week! – wg
That is amazing and beautiful–not to mention original! You’re quite talented!
Totally cute!
As someone who once knew how to sew – which is nothing short of stellar since I measure for crap – and can no longer even sew a button on, I am appropriately impressed!
Very colorful and pretty. If I could get off my butt I’d do it, too. What? I’m sitting on the pieces of fabric.
That is a cool wreath; I think even I could attempt it.
I also am not sad the holidays are over, although I could see the tree easily staying up until July.
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