The first big storm of the season just blew in and it's raging out there. I already had to get drippy because my dear husband (are you reading this, Keen?) didn't take any of the outside furniture cushions into the garage. Dude. Anyway, I'm typing quickly before the power goes out. Our last house was cool because we shared a grid with a hospital or politicians' offices or something else important so we rarely ever lost power. Even rolling blackouts didn't touch us. Here… one small mile over… not so much.
Lately, I have felt the world conspiring against me every time I go to blog. First it was lots of work. Last week our modem died. Then my account got suspended for an expired credit card (whoops! Really. My credit is good). After a while it knocks you off your blogging groove. Actually, I've kind of felt like the last year has knocked me off my blog groove (or bloove, as I like to call it). I'm working on getting back my funny/interesting. Or one can hope.
In the meantime you get blurbs of meaninglessness. Yay! Existential examples in an easily digestible format! With alliteration.
I'm going to go ahead and push publish now before I lose this gem.
OK, I'm back! So what else have we done lately? Oh, we went to see the Star Wars Concert. You know, that's where they have the full orchestra playing all the music? And they also show movie clips on a big screen and have a laser light show with it. AND they had C-3PO hosting. It was totally cultural and nerdy at the same time. AWESOME! I mean, how often do you get to go to a classical concert dressed up as a storm trooper? (Not that that was me.) But I would fully recommend this concert. We took Chance to it and even though there was a little anxiety with the noise at first (those SPD issues), he adapted really well. Especially after the first few movie clip explosions and lightsaber fights. That's like 4-year-old heaven.
We also have started decking the house out in Halloween decor. I'm dressing the sunroom up as a mad scientists' lab this year. Suddenly, I'm feeling in the mood for zombies, and monsters, and vampires, oh my.
Am I the only one who has noticed that PBS keeps using that Vampire Weekend song in between their kids' shows?
I think I'll just keep adding to this post periodically. It's one of those days.
eh eh eh eh!
AH CRAP. We wanted to catch the Star Wars show and I totally forgot about it. Jealous!
‘girl’s getting her bloove back! I was just thinking about getting out the second post in six months. Which means, there’s always worse, right? Ugh!