I suppose I could do a nice orderly list of everyone I met along with some thoughtful, well-composed insights of my BlogHer 09 experience. Or I could just start typing and veer off randomly every time I’m distracted.  I choose the latter.  (It's going to take me a while to get all this down anyway.)

FIRST! I had a roommate this year. Lori from Spinning Yellow, and it was just so much fun! We stayed up way too late talking every night. We bailed occasionally to get food or to search for the mythical Starbucks. I really wish we didn’t have an entire country between us because she is my long lost twin (I’m the crazy, bad influence one… BOOYAH!).

The List

Matthew of Child's Play x2 – SO nice meeting you, Matthew! We're old school, ya know.
Benjamin Jeremy – Matthew's brother and babbling blogger in his own right
Elke, local blogger extraordinare, of Elkit in Wonderland
Sarah Dopp, who has more blogs than I can keep track of
Amy of Pretty Babies – awesome!!
Andrea a.k.a. Heathen Mom
The Manic Mommies, Erin and Kristin
Renee at www.blogtheworld.com and www.travelinggeeks.com – so many people with multiple sites!
Ashley of Boss Sanders
249Smiles' Angela

Marius – who was completely charming on the plane (non-blogger notwithstanding)
Delora in D.C. at A Spiced Life
Heather of the Mother Tongue!  That girl can party!!  (Psst, if you're ever out in the SF Bay… call me!)
Also, for the awesome partying, Cara and Tara and Kelli

And speaking of the parties at BlogHer, might I mention that everywhere I looked there was fabulous cleavage.  Satin-enshrouded voluptuous valleys at every cocktail event.  I mean, really, the boobage here?  It was serious.  It wasn't even ME looking.  It was my girls.  They couldn't help it.  And they went a little flatter in defeat. Damn you, BlogHer bosoms!

Travel Savvy Mom, Jamie
Stefanie Wilder-Taylor, the lady who's publishing career I'm completely envious of (but I covered it well)
Amisha Gandhi-Lanier, Ivy Worldwide

Kim of Prosaic Paradise
Kevin Burke! – that's Kevin P. Burke, captain
State of Grace, Grace (thank you for organizing the debrief!)
Maggie of Magpie Musing – so nice to reconnect!
Jodifur! – I feel you, hon.
Lea and Rick of TinyPrints – I must have run into Rick about 20 times this weekend.  We hung.
Adam of Avitable fame
BusyDad Jim
Father Muskrat (sadly, I didn't get his real name)
Whit of Honea Expresssuch a cool dude!

I would have liked to have met Black Hockey Jesus (of the now defunct but out on a high note blog) but you know, there were a lot of male bloggers there and they all had the same sort of haircut and beardy shadow/goatee type thing a-going on and oval faces and I’m not saying all bloggers look alike, because that would be blatantly blogist (and I’m nothing if not subtly blogist), but it was about as easy to tell them apart as when I asked around for Schmutzie and she was described to me as having “short hair and glasses”. Well, turdburgers. Thanks.

Amanda at RocketXL – thank you for making apologies for me to the other Amanda

Ilina of Dirt and Noise
Deep Muck Big Rake, Becky Gjendem
Lisa at Condo Blues
Jennifer Wagner – who's website makes me wish I had a teen
Lisa at The Girl's Blog
Let's Go Strolling's, Melissa and Jo
Alice's Wonderland

BTW, was it just me, or did speed dating seem shorter this year?

Sara Lorimer of Lovely Listing – If you have never checked out her site, do it! There are some train wrecks in houses, I tell ya.
Nilsa of SoMi Speaks
Show Me the Curry! – (I'm so sorry, I forgot your names. It's probably the cooking block thing I have.)
Kathry of Mom Central Consulting
The Midwest Guest Dominique

Cara of Advocation.me

Kathy at Locate This

Jaime, the cab driver who grew up in my neighborhood. Represent!

Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

Summer of Blogfully Yours – I love that name!

Naomi of Attention!

Expateek Ellie

and Erin of Schlosser Designs – who handed out the sweetest cards!

I don't want to forget some of the lovely sponsors I met!  I walked the floor at the end of the show so I got to chat.  I like that part.  Especially with all the ladies at Picnik, SpringPad, and Disney.

Katin & Thereasa at SpringPad – it was great seeing you again! And give it up for Katin, soon-to-be mom!

Lisa of Picnik – fun on the Expo floor or at the Cheeseburger party!

Tracey at PBS Parents – a pleasure to talk to

Erin at Jump Start

Sara and Heather of Bill Me Later, and Melissa of Zappos

There was also the slew of folks without business cards that I got to see this year.  Katie the Motherbumper, Mom 101, BackPacking Dad, Motherhood Uncensored (too briefly!), Her Bad Mother, Mocha Mama, Polly a.k.a. LesbianDadSarah of the Goon Squad, Chicky Chicky Baby, and the Redneck Mommy. I shared a cab back to the airport with one of the international bloggers, Toyin Ajao, who is a sweetheart

Crap, I know I'm going to forget someone but you can yell at me in comments.

And finally, my Special Needs posse, who's support and commiseration
have made going to BlogHer so worthwhile three years running.

Lori – of course, my good friend and who is also the first person who turned me on to SPD way back at BlogHer 07

Jaelithe – who has just started a sensory group for us all

Jean of Stimelyand

Janice of It's a Jan's Life and Autism Public Schools

Carissa of Faith, Hope & Love and Grown in My Heart

The lovely Kari – who is going to be partying with Project Runway! squeee!!

Christina at Hopeful Parents

Send Chocolate Now's Tina

Carmen, Mom to the Screaming Masses – one brave woman with six kids!

Christina of A Mommy Story

Ellen from Wiley

Nancy Shute – who is writing these issues, we need you!

Erin of Weber Shandrick

and Megan of Acorn Dreaming – who missed our Birds of a Feather but I got to chance to meet later at, of all things, the cheeseburger party.

Thank you ladies, for being there.

Wooh!  I'm tired.
               – the weirdgirl

Addendum ~

I knew I was going to forget some folks! Actually, I have a feeling I misplaced some cards altogether. (oops)  Anywho, I can always count on Jenny on the Spot to dance up a storm.  Now we may have to do Viking Fest together, too.  Andi and I met over lunch.  And I helped John Morisano of Powder Room Graffiti find his way to the gym. 'Cause I'm all helpful like that.  And I can't seem to stop talking to people.