I thought I would take a break and have a few fun posts about Halloween, but the truth is I (couldn’t) can’t stop thinking about politics.
I heard a radio ad for Prop 8 over the weekend that said, “They WILL teach gay marriage in schools.”
This is a lie. A flat out lie.
Sure, it could be a fear, an opinion, a conjecture on the part of the speakers (and they are entitled to their fears and opinions), but they state it as if it is a fact. In the course of this campaign I have seen misinformation, and slander, and sabotage in the name of “decency” and “morality”. None of these tactics are decent or moral.
And the polls have narrowed because of these tactics.
The bible says, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
The proponents of Prop 8 are bearing false witness against the entire state of California.
It is really quite disheartening. To be so conscious of playing fairly and then have shit flung at you. It even makes me ashamed. As a Christian. Of our political process. Of hell’s glittering road and what people will do without realizing they are turning themselves into pavers. That’s always been my big turnoff about politics. Or maybe they do realize, and that is even more disheartening. I am not one that believes ends justifies means.
I have always thought of our state as a leader. We led in the civil rights movement. We led in change. We lead in innovation and creativity. And now we will… what? Go backwards? Create an unequal constitution? Fall prey to tyranny?
I worry that we’re lacking in this country; lacking in a generosity of spirit.
I worry that I’m talking too much.
And that I’m not talking enough.
This proposition will directly affect people I love. You probably know people that this will affect, too. Tell me, if it was your friends and family… would you tell them they aren’t good enough? Would you let them become unequal citizens?
I’ve been doing some volunteer sign waving for the No On 8 campaign and we’ve been getting way more support than hate. Hopefully that translates at the polls.
I did enjoy a comment on a news article this morning. The gist was this: the Mormon Church has been an active proponent of this initiative, which is ironic since the Mormons have always been persecuted for “unconventional marriage” here in the US.
I feel this exact thing:
“I worry that we’re lacking in this country; lacking in a generosity of spirit.
I worry that I’m talking too much.
And that I’m not talking enough.”
I really hope that the general public proves our worry to be unfounded and that the right choices are made.
For every one of my friends who are happy and complete and want the same things I am afforded in my marriage, there’s a part of me there who would vote no before I’d even vote for my presidential choice.
Great post. I couldn’t agree more.
Kim – that’s good to hear, that you’re getting more support than hate. I don’t normally press my politics on other people but I do fervently believe this prop is discriminatory.
Lori – me too! This feeling is larger for me than just our state props, but it just got me down this time. Here’s hoping that we can change as a nation! And that’s just as people, outside of politics.
FADKOG – I know how you feel. (But still, vote for the president! Us liberal wives have got to stick together!)
VegasDad – Thank you! I know you’re in another state, so I really appreciate the feedback and support. It makes feel better.
That goes for all of you who are out of state.
You know, it’s not that I want to suppress anyone else’s viewpoint. I don’t generally ask about peoples’ politics because I think those are private decisions. I just hate that dirty fighting seems to get better results than open discourse.
I was heartbroken to read in the news that California’s Prop 8 passed. I can’t believe how closed-minded people can be. And how they are determined to make others live by their twisted view of things. It just makes me sick.