I’m taking a quick break from the suggestion-inspired posts, but I’ll be back to those shortly. They’ve been a lot of fun (for me at least) and have really helped me get back in the writing game. I’ve got two more (percolating in my head) to go.
On another note, I’ve just updated The Things They Don’t Tell You in Lamaze list, courtesy of a new addition from Keri. Check it out.
There has actually been a lot going on in my life that I haven’t posted about. Some big things, some small. Even though I haven’t felt overwhelmed in life, sometimes I get that way when I think about writing it down. Well that, and sometimes I start to write a post and decide it’s the most boring thing ever and completely abandon it. (Also, somehow I’ve stopped being able to spell – I can’t tell you how much that irks me.)
So with all that in mind I’ve decided that life is sometimes best handled in bullets:
- Regarding my biological dilemma, I’m pleased to announce that I’ve chucked the pill. My boobs stopped hurting the same day.
- My computer is still crashing. I’m awaiting a new motherboard. (I know I promised to stop talking about this, I’m sorry.)
- Playgroup is looking for volunteers. Da da dum!!
- I’ve been on and off looking at house listings. Oy vey. That’s gonna be a post in itself. I’m currently in an “off” mode.
- At school, three weeks into my one and only class, the course got canceled due to small class size. I’ve since switched it to independent study along with a few other students. The cool thing? We’re meeting way less often!
- Work was supposed to start ramping up and instead my projects keep getting cancelled. This translates to lots of research, no deliverables.
What, if anything, does all this mean? It means that I actually had a lazy Sunday. A lazy Sunday where I could do some writing, finish reading my book, maybe watch some TV. That is until I decided to make three batches of cookies for Keen to take to work.
Yeah, I don’t know what’s wrong with me either. – the weirdgirl
About your computer. I’m a super geek and can do more with computers than anyone I know. My advice is get a Dell or switch to Mac. I used Dell for many years and never had any problems. No virus, spyware, shutdowns, errors, despite running it 24/7 for many years. But Mac sounded appealing so I switched our computers to MAc. It’s a problemfree world and you cna still do Windows if you feel like it (Parallels or bootcamp). I’ve done emergency surgery on all my friends computers and it’s always Compaq, Sony, Fujitsu, or similar crap.
Hope everything works out and you don’t go nuts. Computers have a tendency to do that to people…
Oh AD! I’ve been trying to be nice about naming names, but the computer is a DELL! I picked it because I had always heard good things about them, but my ThinkPad was much more stable than this. (Though to be fair, Keen bought a Dell, too, this year and his has been fine.) I think it’s just a faulty hardware issue (it has to happen to someone, right?). It’s just been frustrating working through their help lines to get to that conclusion.
Thanks for the good thoughts, though!
Nothing like the smell of fresh baked cookies on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Rule number one: All computers suck. Rule number two: No matter what any one says, see rule number one.
Seriously – brand doesn’t matter, apple v. pc doesn’t matter … they all just suck. The only difference between apple and pc is the design element. Think Honda vs. Chevy – they both have turn signal levers, but one may be on the left, and one on the right. Same thing within the pc world, ie dell v. compaq v. whatever.
And overall, all anecdotal evidence shows that all computers suck.
And no, this comment isn’t inspired at all by the fact that I can’t seem to figure out why I can’t get to Google at the moment … but since I can get nearly everywhere else except any website that is google related, I’m going to say its not my computer/networks fault … sigh …
Boobie pain can’t be good.