I’m having one of those brain-deficient days. I’ve got a couple different posts started but I haven’t finished anything. As well as a whole other list of things to get through. Maybe it’s more a time-deficient day, but… I don’t know, lack of brain plus lack of time equals a whole lotta nothin’. *cough*
Instead I’d like to invite any lurkers to come out and say hi. (I love the interaction aspect of a blog). Also, it’s about time to update the Things They Don’t Tell You in Lamaze list (see link directly left) and I’ve only got ONE addition! So if any of you would like to take a gander and leave any suggestions I’d love to hear from you!
Until my brain returns, take care. – the weirdgirl
I’m not a lurker, but I’ll say HI anyway 🙂
I’m not a lurker, either, but “hi!”. I was having a difficult time thinking of anything to write at my blog today, so I did what I do when I’m too mentally lazy to create anything new…. I put up some pictures.
Hi. I sent you an e-mail suggestion for the Things They Don’t… Here it is, see L.’s post at The Homesick Home regarding PPD.
Link did not go through. Here is link to L.:
I am a lurker! Hi! 🙂
I might lurk now and then…
I don’t lurk, but I’ve been known to leer.
I think I’ve commented once or twice…but I have you in Bloglines, so I’ve lurked all the other times you’ve posted. Hiii! 🙂
Ooh, this is fun! Hi Everyone!
(and just so you know, you’re all welcome to lurk, leer, or comment!)
Hi, I don’t really count as a lurker, but just making my rounds.
I’m here and I’m jealous. See, I’m afraid to do de-lurking posts, because no one answers them. Oh well.
this is my first time here (i think), but I might as well say hi too!
I’m not a lurker but I am here…so HI!
Hi! Another lurky-loo heard from!
I never let brain freeze stop my blogging or I would never blog. Have a great weekend!!!
Thanks for saying hi everyone! I’m going to try to post today (but I can’t promise anything) and visit all of your blogs. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Yet-Another-Lurker here, just saying hello 🙂
Hi there. Lurker here. And I posted to your list 🙂
I guess I’m sort of a semi-lurker on your site, does that count? And my baby is due in about a month so I’m going to have plenty to add to your Lamaze list in a short time! I’ll be taking notes.
Hey, I’m a bit of a lurker. And since I’ve been getting frustrated that only one other blogger has commented on my blog in the past few months, I thought I should do my bit and say hi. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
Lurk lurk lurk.
Hi! I’ve never commented on your site! I suck!
I’m a lurker-just one that is nursing a cold and hasn’t been doing her daily lurking.
But I am back now…still sick…but I’ll try not to cough on you.
Howdy 🙂
I once was a lurker but now I’m not! Hello!
Seriously, you’d think they’d come up with a better word for it. Makes me feel like such a perv…
Great blog. Pretty new ’round here myself.