there.) Keen has been in Vegas for
training since Tuesday. I know it’s
pretty boring for him but it’s still Vegas. Business trips in fun places definitely have their perks.
We really need to plan out a family vacation. (And maybe, just maybe, a night away for me
and Keen.)
Did you know that the first thing my
soon?” It’s the whole “relaxed people
get knocked up” technique.
I’ve been working hard at trying to reduce stress in my life
overall. But the fact is since Chance
was red-flagged
at school I’ve been anxious. Not all the
time but basically every time I dive into research or start reading through all
the government articles or have to make another phone call to another
organization. A lot of people have been
very nice. Some people have also given
me the brush off. And I just feel that
deep-down, knee-jerk parental reaction of “leave my kid alone”. While wanting help, of course. (Just help without judgment ever touching my
child’s awareness.)
I’m going to have to fight for everything. Chance is not developmentally slow so
assessments are not automatic, but requested. And damn, if these organizations aren’t good
at pointing you to the other organization. It’s hard to stay relaxed when you feel the fight in front of you.
(Absurdly, I can stay cheerful. Or maybe it’s just mania.)
So any tips for a quiet Mother’s Day? – wg
Don’t worry about being quiet. When your hubby gets back, wake the neighbors.
My husband goes out of town for work two to three nights a week, usually three weeks out of the month. I know he’s working, but part of me is all, “Yeah, but you’re in a hotel…and you’re not watching cartoons, deciphering mystery smells, or breaking up fights.”
Which he’d really rather be doing because he IS in a hotel he can afford based on what his company will pay for, so he probably is deciphering mystery smells.
I wish you nothing but luck with all the work you have to do to advocate for your son. We knew from kindergarten our oldest would need academic assistance. We just couldn’t get anyone else to see it, until last year. Then suddenly, it seemed like they all thought it was THEIR idea.
Don’t let the people get you down. I’m sure Chance is just fine. Like I said before, he sounds like a normal kid in my opinion.
I’m with you! My wife goes to Vegas, NYC, and LA (among other places) twice a year on business trips. Hell, she’s even been to Paris and London. I never go anywhere.
And I’ve found that even with a diagnosis, you have to fight and kick and scratch for every assessment, therapy, and everything else. If you have questions or concerns, the best thing we ever did was get involved with a parent support group. We learned more in ten minutes by talking with parents that had already been in our shoes than anything the government agencies were willing to share.
It’s like a big secret or something.