We are all still sick. Actually, Chance is better but his damn germs have spread to the parental units. While we were ill Chance turned SIX! Last Thursday to be exact but I didn't have it in me to post anything. When I come down off all this decongestant I'll probably be in awe and a little weepy over how big my boy has gotten. Chance's grandparents asked him, "Since he was six now, what was he doing seven years ago?" After consulting with Keen his answer was as follows,
"I was living in Dad's BALLS!"
Thanks honey. I'll be expecting a call when he repeats that one at school.
We had a party on Sunday because, damnit, I already had it scheduled at Pump It Up! Sometimes you gotta carry through. But in my fever reduced state, I forgot…
the ice cream,
my camera,
and probably some of the finer hostess duties such as visiting with all of our guests. Sorry.
However, I felt very relaxed. Lovely cold meds. Here are some pics.
This cake just blows away every other cake we've ever had.
Chance was pretty excited.
And then it started shooting at his head. Aagh!
That's one way to get rid of a headache.
What a strange question from his grandparents–I guess they asked for that answer!
And the birthday cake (I know that’s from “Star Wars”, though I forget what it’s called) is the most original I’ve ever seen!
Happy Birthday to Chance!
I hope you all get well soon.
We’re all going through the stomach virus thing. I was the first to fall. Yuck.
But man, I love the AT-AT cake! That would be my dream come true. You’re a trooper!
He is awesome, and so was his answer for his grandparents, and it looks like he had a fantastic birthday! Hope you are on the mend.
Thanks everyone!
What a great Birthday party!