Christmas is over and I am sadly relieved.  It is always such a rush and a crash and a conundrum to get everything DONE!  And while you are doing so everything else from your previous non-holiday life stops, whether you intended to stop or not.  Somehow I forget that every year, how all-consuming it can be.  Like the memory repressing hormone that kicks in while you're pregnant, only for gift wrapping and baking and frantic cleaning before guests arrive.  You remember the jolly instead of the exhaustion.  Or part of me remembers, but it sort of lurks in the background, blocked by holiday laughter and pretty bows.  And then suddenly it's all over.  But before you quite catch your breath the New Year is here and you have to start all the things that stopped again.  Plus, whatever the plans are for the future.

Oy. Deep breath now.

But you know, in the end… all those people and all that love, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Perfect link at the perfect time.