So Chance went to his first rock concert today – Violent Femmes (which is why we went) and a slew of other groups at an outside arena. It was close enough to our house we could come and go as the day demanded, and of course, scope out just how loud it was going to get. (No matter how much I like a group I’m not risking his hearing. And we still sat plenty far back from the stage.)
Chance had fun. He seemed to like most of the music and “danced” a bit, and occasionally would make for the stage when there was a song he particularly liked. But mainly he tore around the grass and flirted with people. (Is it just me or is there something really cute about a 1-year-old flirting with random punks and goths?) And since the concert was also part of the upcoming 4th of July festival, there was lots for him to see and explore.
But the best part for him? The planes. The concert meadow was right below the flight path of the local airport. The planes passed over really low about every ten to fifteen minutes, including those huge FedEx cargo dealies.
He was in heaven. – wg
How fun to start him early on good music and concerts.
Hey, we almost went to that same show! We had tickets, but the 13 month old is cutting half a dozen teeth at once and currently channeling the anti-christ, so the thought of a full day in public an hour away from home with Damienette ending up not looking too promising.
Glad you had fun though!
Sounds like you had a great time at the festival. Hopefully he won’t be wanting a nose ring…at least until he’s five.
That’s fantastic! I’m no Femmes fan but you’ve gotta start somewhere!
OMG He has the best answer for the age old question “What was your first concert?”
Going to a restaurant with my children is a reason for pause… a concert? I just don’t think we’re up to it. You are a brave and powerful woman.
Sounds like a great time!
The Violent Femmes? Outdoor concerts? Airplanes? Sounds awesome! Glad to hear Chance had such a good time.
Sounds like a great time! Violent Femmes? I haven’t heard that name since college. Memories. . .
As long as it’s not too loud, I would actually recommend taking the kids to an outside concert. For once it’s too loud to make a difference if your child is acting up or not and there’s room for them to run wild. In fact, they fit right in when they’re doing that. MUCH easier than going to a restaurant!
(We almost got Chance an airbrush tattoo to freak out his grandma but we didn’t think he’d hold still. I think we’re pretty good parents, but I never said we were good kids. bwa ha ha!)