I was cruising curvy Barbies (because yay! real women!) on Amazon, and of course I go for the redheaded one, even though she's not actually as much of a redhead in real life as she was online. More of a strawberry blond. Not even a true ginger. (Commit Mattel.)  But! She's got a butt! I've got a butt! AWESOME! She's super pretty, too. Just beautiful if she were a real girl. Now I kind of see why some people get obsessed with dolls and then do too much plastic surgery. (Not really.) 

So despite the disappointing lack of redness I'm glad I bought her. Then Mattel made it up to me because as an afterthought I searched for other redheaded Barbies and I found…


She's got punk red streaked hair! And glasses! And jeans! And AND an army green jacket over her nerdy grey t-shirt!

HOLY CRAP, this is me!!! 

I have never seen my style epitomized in a doll before. She is lacking a booty and her hair is long and straight instead of short and curly. But you know, it's pretty damn close. The essence is there. I bet she watches anime and Doctor Who, too.

My two as yet unnamed redheaded sisters. Although I'm thinking Cat for the hot curvy one. Cat's a feminist. Obviously.

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My nerdy girl is going to need more time for her name. If you got ideas shout 'em out in the comments. I need some inspiration. Here she is spending too much time on the Internet again. Twinsies!

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My husband smiles every time he sees her, my punk nerd Barbie. Lucky me.  ♥         

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