We're off again. I wasn't sure we'd be able to do this trip, what with Chance being sick and all the swine flu scares and all, but it's on, baby! Chance, my mom, and I are flying to Seattle to visit family. Chance gets to meet his great-grandparents and assorted aunts, uncles, and cousins! Cool, huh? We've only done one other trip up there since he was born and I think he was too little to remember much. They are also having a Norwegian festival up there this weekend. Uff da! (Only the Norwegians should be offended by that.)
So anyway, it'll be quiet around this old blog again until we're back. Which is probably fine considering I've done nothing lately but rant and rave like I'm a Tyrannosaurus Rex on the rampage. (Which would be really unfortunate because they have those tiny arms and could you just imagine trying to get clothing to fit properly?! No wonder they're cranky. Plus, I imagine all that meat eating really stains the clothes.)
In keeping with my fashion self… I'll be sure to take some pictures of us wearing viking hats while we're up there.
Take care – the weirdgirl
Have fun! I love Seattle.
You know, I’ve often wondered if the T. Rex was able to masturbate due to those tiny arms. I think that’s what made them cranky.
Have fun up in Seattle. The town where I grew up in back in Wisconsin has a Settende Mai (17th of May, Norwegian Independence) Festival every year. I imagine it is very similar to the one in Seattle. I hope you had fun!