I don't usually do this but we could sure use the help. Our local elementary school burned down this summer. It was a purposeful act of arson that took out a major building.  They managed to save the rest of the school but there wasn't one cent in the school districts'  funds to cover the insurance deductible. Nothing, no emergency funds, no surplus, that's how tight our school system budget is out here.  Our community raised $100K to cover that deductible.  When someone heard about the Kohl's Cares program they signed up our school.

Kohl's is giving away $500,000 each to the top 20 schools.  For a while we were hovering at 21st place but we've gotten knocked way down.  It looks like almost every school in the top 20 is a religious school and kudos to them for their organizing power. I really wish we had that kind of community behind us but we're just one neighborhood (and contrary to popular myths not everyone in California is rich).

If you'd like to help you can vote for us through Facebook through the end of this week.  If you'd like to spread the word please do!  I'm not quite giving up hope yet. Sometimes you get miracles.
