Scene – our heroine, still in her pajamas, standing at the kitchen counter fixing breakfast
Keen: Babe, you’ve got to get rid of those sweats.
Me: hmm?
Keen: They look awful.
Me: Yeah, I know. I wore these while I was pregnant and…
Keen: They remind me of how big your ass was.
stiff pause
Me [turning]: Well, rest assured honey, you’re well on your way to lots and lots of sex with comments like those.
Definitely time to buy some new sweats. – the weirdgirl
Actually, I would wear the sweats EVERY day if my wife had said something like that to me.
That’s the kind of stuff that makes a girl horny.
Ouch. There’s something I’d NEVER say!
OK, let me defend the menfolk here a little. He said “WAS.” That means your ass is perfect now.
Alright, that was lame.
A comment about the sweats is OK, but not one about the hot babe in the sweats. He might want to say something, but it doesn’t need to sting so bad. Ouch!
In that last post, *you* are one hot mama. If that was Keen in the previous post, he might think twice about casting any stones from a kinda glassy house…
Ouch. Careful there Keen
In his defense, Keen was joking. But still… he might choose some BETTER JOKES!
I was just thinking about how that’s a joke I would make, but ONLY IF MY WIFE KNEW IT WAS JOKE. That’s EXACTLY the kind of thinking that gets guys like me into trouble all the time. Best just to steer clear of it altogether, Keeno…
My husband has similar feelings towards swetas. They have been banned from our household, and been deemed as a malaise upon the fashion world.