It occurs to me that I might be going through a wee tad of a mid-life crisis. I'm not doing anything too crazy yet; it's just the general realization that my life is half over and I wasted a lot of time of that first half bumming around thinking I had plenty of time. And even though lately I think I'm slowly dialing life in, (oh, watch out, I'm gonna get cocky! (not really, I think that's part of the crisis)) I do feel like I need to catch up.
So my question is… where do I go from here? How do I really maximize my mid-life crisis? Should I get a tattoo? Take an extended vacation to "find myself"? I like the classics but I'd also like some originality. You know that whole bit where you get the convertible and the bright young thing? I don't really get that part. Because, to be honest, I tried it and when we were driving around – totally snarling my hair, by the way – she kept asking when she was going to get her boob job. And I was like, "Hello? I bought the convertible. YOU'RE buying ME a boob job!" And she was all, "OMG! I did not get a degree in Marketing to buy my own boobs! What kind of bright young thing do you think I am?! You know what? Just get me a new bag before I get upset." And I was all, "Ugh! Demanding much?!" But I did get her a new bag because I figured it was cheaper than surgery. Then I had to explain it all to my husband and it just got really confusing.
So that road is out. Maybe a Vespa?
The suggestion box is open.
The reason that didn’t work out was that you got a “bright young thing” of the same sex–but at least your faithful to your spouse!
That’s absolutely hilarious!
And if it’s any consolation–I’m now 45, have never been married (haven’t even had a relationship since 2004, and was stood up on my last date, which was about 2 years ago), have never had children, have lived alone in a town I don’t like since 1998, have never been able to hold a full-time job, am loaded up on psychiatric meds with ungodly side-effects, have high blood pressure, etc. etc. etc. However, I realize that, just as there is always someone better off than I, there is always someone worse off than I.
There’s a passage from a Deepak Chopra book (“The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”) that has become a mantra, for me, regarding the question “where do I go from here”):
“Relinquish your attachment to the outcome; everything is as it is meant to be, in this moment.”
Hope this helps!
I vote for the tattoo option!!
Scott – Thanks. I’m trying to be more zen. Then I panic thinking I’m wasting time being zen! This is why I never took up yoga.
CJ – I know you have a few, right? What ages/times did you get them?