OK, so it’s been a pretty crazy week.  I was intensely preoccupied early in the week (justifiably I think) with Chance being sick and then just as he started to feel better I had to swing into baptism preparation mode.  Yup, that’s right.  He’s getting baptized tomorrow.  (Pictures to come!  I even bought him a little monkey suit… A MONKEY SUIT!… for the occasion, with a little grey vest and tie and black jacket.  I opted to NOT go the white tux or white baptismal gown route (even though my mom offered one up).  I’m sure Chance will thank me later.)

With all the panic early in the week and then trying to clean the house, and prepare, and baptism review for the godparents (which, somehow, I ended up leading because our priest got stuck at a conference at the last minute…thank goodness all the godparents have been through this ten million times)… I haven’t gotten to any of my blog reads or written a thing.  I had even penciled “blog reading” in my calendar, but still didn’t get to it.  (Yes, I know it’s sad.)

I think I’m starting to go through withdrawal.  Honestly, at the beginning of the week I was still so stressed over the emergency room visit I wasn’t up for much besides brainless TV watching.  But now I’m starting to miss the blog-o-verse.  I have niggling ideas for posts in my head.  I’m starting to wonder what everyone is doing.  I’m starting to PINE!

Alas, now I have GUESTS here (overnight and otherwise).  It’s kind of putting a cramp in my reading and writing, considering that the dining/living/office/guest bedroom are pretty much the same room. 

*sigh*  Be back soon.                – the weirdgirl