Anyone who knows me (or has visited this blog before) knows I am not a cook. I can bake up a storm and make anything with sugar, I'm just not skilled with, like, the stove and meat and stuff. Plus, Keen's food tastes way better than mine, and even if I'm a crappy cook that doesn't make me stupid. Given a choice I'll eat the tasty dishes, thank you very much. But I have been trying to expand my skills over the years, considering I have a young'n to provide for on the days when my husband isn't home. Tonight I made this delicious, easy casserole and now I'm going to share it all with you just like those professional cooking blogs! Aren't you excited?
Step 1. Get your husband to poach some boneless, skinless chicken thighs for you. (Pan frying is OK, too.) Point out that the chicken will go bad if he doesn't cook it or entice him with whatever favors he prefers. (This is a family blog so I'm not going to go into detail.) Firmly turn down his offers to "teach you" how to poach. That's just his enabling tendencies.
Step 2. Get a frozen Stouffer's Mac and Cheese family size dinner! Microwave that sucker according to directions. No, really.
Step 3. While the mac'n'cheese is cooking, chop/shred the chicken into chunks. They might fall apart like mine did. I tried making them into those cute little chicken blocks you see at the store. I don't know what happened there.
Step 4! Season the chicken with assorted spices, because did you know that poached chicken is super plain? Yeah, me either. I used salt, pepper, celery salt, and poultry seasoning. It was easy. I just threw the spices on the chopping block and mushed it around with a spoon.
Step 5! Pull the mac'n'cheese out of the microwave and transfer it to a slightly larger pyrex dish. Then microwave 1 cup of frozen peas in a separate bowl until cooked. I used Trader Joes peas so you know they're all healthy and organic and crap 'cause they use those special organic freezers that keep the healthy bits in.
Step 6!! When the peas are done drain the pea water (ha, pea water), then mix them and the chicken into the mac'n'cheese. Stir well.
Step 7!! Top with shredded cheese and bread crumbs. Both of which Keen fortunately had! Then pop the whole thing back into the microwave for another 2-3 minutes until everything is heated through.
Step 8!!! Scream at your family to come look at the almost homemade looking, delicious creation you have made!! Threaten to take away your child's video games if they do not comply.
And finally… eat. Yum! Bask in the validation.
Thank you. Thank you very much. – wg
When you take this to the family pot luck, remember to transfer it to your own casserole dish before the last heating. That’ll cook just enough cheese on the dish to make it look home made. They’ll never know.. unless they’re reading this here.
Dear Jeanne,
Ha! This is my family! They already know.