I was going to name this Miscellaneous Monday, but it turns
out it’s already almost Tuesday. (Seriously,
I do NOT know where the day goes!) I
throw up these mish-mash posts sometimes, and I really need to come up with a better name, because, like a bad
bender in
suggestions? (In college when I was
writing a paper or creative piece at the very last second, as I often did, I
used to refer to it in my head as puking on the page. Sometimes these posts
bring that to mind.)
Decorating news – Chance’s big boy bed finally came in! I feel kind
of guilty. He was/is really
excited. He loves the space, the
freedom, the status (those social climbing three-year-olds are so demanding). We really should have gotten him out of his
crib sooner. But with having NO room in
our old house and then trying to get settled after moving, we were a bit late. The cat, however, felt absolutely no guilt in
taking advantage of the new room and cushy-ness. Observe.
The bed (for size referencing). Chance looks very cute in it, even though he’s dwarfed. That’s him and the cat at the FAR end.
Drumming update – I have moved on to set work, instead of
the basics of snare. I am now at the
proficiency level of one of those horrible child bands whose parents thought it
would be so cute to assemble their
various children and force teach them just enough to bang out a 3-chord song
(maybe) all while smiling cheerily, as occasionally seen on such children’s
programs as Yo Gabba Gabba. Yes, I am
THAT good. Thank you. Thank you very much. Now if I could just find a bunch of
nine-year-olds who would play with me.
Guilty pleasure – I’ve been watching The Millionaire
Matchmaker. Not going out of my way or
anything, but if it’s on. It can be SO very
appalling (example: some of these men are more primped and polished plastic
than the women – ew!; example: how do these women manage to talk about their
pets and throw in “I like steamy showers” in the same breath?; example: the LA
“I’ll win by having the most plastic surgery” lifestyle; example: that
Matchmaker really talks some shit), but I still keep watching. And sometimes there are some endearing guys who really need help finding the perfect
woman. I’m on a slippery slope,
people. What trash are you
– the
I love that bed – where did you get it?
Trashy television, let’s see – I’m so fascinated / repelled by “Outlaw In-Laws”, which is a Canadian show and is just… there is always a mother-in-law, and a slack-ass hiding-in-the-corner son, and lots of shouting, and stupid team-building exercises that are supposed to make everyone get along. And I CAN’T STOP WATCHING. It’s embarrassing.
I am hooked on the “America’s Next Top Model” reruns…the ones where they run the entire season back-to-back. I will waste an entire day watching those; even the ones I have already seen.
Sadly, my kids are catching this. My son (12.5) and I spent a good ten minutes on Sunday night talking about the incredible quality of Danielle’s skin in her CoverGirl photo shoot. (But seriously, it was just incredibly flawless and beautiful and radiant!)
Yeah, there I go again. mk
Cool bed. We just got our almost two-year-old a twin bed (just the mattresses). We still need to get him the bed frame.
That bed is AWESOME.
Awesome bed!!! I gotta get me one of those.
That bed is adorable. So is your son!
Um…one weekend, I realized hours later that I’d been sitting in the house alone, in the dark, watching some redneck wedding show marathon. I’m classy like that.
I’ve also been watching “Make Me a Supermodel”, but it’s kind of restrained so it’s only partially trashy. Though every once in a while I’ll also catch “The Real Housewives of Orange County”. SO trash!! The abundance of 2″ manicured talons alone kills me.
That bed is one of those expandable sets – you can add on another bunk bed or put it on higher stilts later and add a desk underneath for a high school student. We wanted something solid that could grow with Chance. Or IF I get pregnant with another boy it can grow for two kids. I can’t remember the name of the brand but I can dig it up if anyone wants it.
I want one of those beds.
Currently, I’m watching the primary results. But I watched Idol and the UNC game earlier.
That bed is mega-awesome!
Trash I watch: reruns of the original Extreme Makeover. NOT the one where they build kitschy houses for people, the one where they totally remake a person through plastic surgery and body sculpting. I can’t get enough of it! Unfortunately, it seems that there are only a certain amount of episodes that play over and over. I already know that if I were ever rich, I would want Dr. Fisher to remake me. He is fabulous!
On a positive note regarding my trashy guilty pleasure: Watching Michael Thurman work out those folks actually made me get up off my butt and join a gym. I’ve lost 15 pounds so far but have a long way to go. So, thank you, trashy TV!
What is my cat doing in your son’s bed!?
It’s funny how striped cats can look SO alike.
Please go nominate yourself for Best Mommy Blog. You deserve it!!! I would but I can’t cause of the whole “Project Mgr” thing.