Today is the five year anniversary of this blog. I almost missed it! Because I'm not very good at things like dates.
Blogging is often a learning curve that… doesn't curve so much as it whips around turns like a mountain road. One of the juicy tidbits I learned at BlogHer 10 this year was to put a Google alert on my blog name or real life name. Duh. I've been doing this five years and that never occurred to me? I only have Google alerts for Bigfoot, UFO, and monsters. (You know, important shit.) Obviously, I've been doing this whole thing wrong!
Here is my very first ever blog post. I still often feel like screaming, but I'm so much more prone to a sore throat now. WTF age? Hopefully, I have not stumbled into the pretentious fuck voice (although sometimes I wonder if that might not make my blog more interesting. (Note to self: consider pretention?)).
No Apologies. – the weirdgirl
I pretty much love completely love that you get Google alerts on things for the Scooby gang!
I love that you’re still blogging after all these years!!
So strange. I realized last night that I totally missed my blog’s anniversary too.
But more importantly? So great finally meeting you at BlogHer after all these years!!!
See, I was just waiting to start following your blog until you hit that five year mark. That way I knew I’d be getting the good stuff…
Happy Blogiversary, fellow Culture Brat.
Wait, what’s a Google Alert?
Dang, I thought I was so savvy with the interwebs.
Happy Anniversary!