I am sick. And a bit crampy. I don’t think the two are related, though. Just, you know, a Murphy’s Law or something. I’ll be back to posting/visiting/commenting soon, I’m sure. Right after I’ve coughed up a lung or cramped out a… uh… never mind.
In the meantime, how about some delurking? I totally missed the whole official "Delurking Day" back in January. As usual. (Why does the Internet insist on being so damn organized? I wandered into blog land thinking it would be all messy and homelike. You know, a comfort zone. Not neatly segmented and deadline driven; with capitals and titles, even. It’s almost like someone is behind all this organization. Like a massive secret organization of organizers. So… this is a message to… someone… out there, please stop pushing my type-A buttons! I know you’re running things, but can you just lighten up a little? It’s bad enough I have to be organized for life! (No, I haven’t taken too many cold meds, thanks for asking.))
Anyway, would love to hear from any new visitors. A shout-out, a request to cease and desist, whatever. And as for my usual, beloved visitors… feel free to leave a message after the beep.
(If you’re from the secret organizers… I don’t really want to know.)
– wg
This has just been in my head.
I also missed delurking day. And I never remember “wordless wednesday” or “thursday thirteen” or any of these other strange rites of passage.
It’s like junior high school all over again and I’m always listening to the wrong albums, or something.
I never hear about these special days until they are over. I am definitely out of the loop, blog-wise. I once did my own “de-lurk day” post and guess what? NO ONE commented. Not even my regular folks. That was embarrassing, let me tell you!
I’d have made a bigger deal of delurking day, but based on my stats I think I’m on a first-name basis with everyone who’s ever visited my blog.
Hope your…um…cramps feel better soon
They didn’t send you the Blogger Instruction Manual when you signed up? Tell me at the very least you know the secret handshake!
I’ve been listening to Spacehog recently, too. Is there something in the water?
I second the comment about knowing everyone on a first name basis. I’ve never been too consumed with stats, but maybe that’s cause they are so low!!
I just got hired on as Project Mgr for the Best Of Blog awards so if you know of a blog that only gets a couple of hits a day, head on over to http://www.thebestofblogs.com on March 1st and nominate them. (Sorry this sounded like an advertisement. You know I read you everyday Weird Girl)
Hi Hannah – Me too, always listening to those wrong albums. I prefer to think of it as having good taste. (Love your site, btw!)
KC – as one of your regulars I’d like to officially apologize.
CroutonBoy (& Bill) – I used to think that about my site, too, but I seem to be getting all these hits lately and very few comments… so who are those people?
Chag – there are worse things to be in the air.
Bill – wow, you get paid for that? Cool! And I think that’s a great idea… let’s start a campaign to nominate the non-Dooce’s of the world. (Not that I have anything against Dooce, but seriously, does she have to win everything?!)
Oooo! Pick me!! Pick me! I’ve been so good about blogging lately and I ain’t gettin no lovin. Momma is craving some attention. (Yes, I am begging. I’m that desperate)
And I Think Dooce wins everything because of her adorable dogs. You just can’t resist the Chuck.
I needs to get me a dog. Maybe I can steal Chuck.
I’m always three days behind de-lurking day, which sucks, really, because I want the person who’s Google search for something truly inspired (but most often, truly sick) helps them to land on me to show their face. It’s quite likely I’d wish to be their friend!
I’m tacking a post-it note reminder on the calendar for next year!
Momma Em, I will definitely remember you for the BOBs! If, you know, I don’t miss the deadline.
For a different kind of girl, that’s about my record, too… three days behind. Except I already DO know the sickies. They’re my friends.
Thanks for visiting everyone!