As I said previously, I got to participate in the Lowe's DIY challenge at BlogHer this year and because of that I have a $25 gift card to give away!  And anyone who's read me for awhile may have noticed… I never do giveaways.  (It's because of my jaded marketing background.)  You gotta be pretty special to get this kind of treatment and, frankly, the team at the Lowe's booth were so cool and nice I had to give them (and you guys) some love back.  I'm also all for supporting more creativity in this world, you know?  So without further ado…  

If you would like a chance to win a $25 Lowe's gift card, leave a comment on this post by Wednesday and I will do a random drawing!

You can visit Lowe's Creative Ideas on Facebook or their homepage.  They're actually doing a nice little video demo on canning right now.  Speaking of which, this summer's random jam pic is…

Bing cherries!

Blogher 032

I'm so predictable. At least I haven't put up a picture of my tomatoes yet. And yes, pitting cherries is just as messy as it looks there; especially when the pitter keeps breaking.  Those aren't all bing cherry jam, btw, the jars in the back are strawberry-blueberry.  I mention that solely for the people who are expecting jam as Christmas gifts.  I mean, I wouldn't want anyone accusing me of jam deception, because I will never hear the end of it!

So are you jamming, crafting, or otherwise DIYing? Tell me about it and you may win… blah blah blah… gift card!

(See how I mentioned the giveaway three times? Like an ad that mentions a phone number three times?  Classic marketing. Thank you. Thank you very much.)

I've also included the video of our little contest, even though I am totally not comfortable in front of a camera and my hair was doing something crazy that day.  I mean, really hair?                – wg