I have been feeling a little behind in everything lately.  Even though the check marks on my list are multiplying, even though things are slowly coming together… ugh, this time of year.  It comes too quickly and goes away too soon.

Chance has just figured out how to clap his hands. He’s not great at it yet, but he can definitely make a “clapping” sound.  He also looks so PLEASED and DELIGHTED when he does it… ah, it just gets me, big ole sappy mom, me.  You can’t help but celebrate too when a kid has yet again, mastered the universe!  Or at least a small portion of it. Yay, clapping hands!

He also seems to be understanding “no”, or starting to.  And he doesn’t particularly like it.  I swear he’s testing me.  Sometimes he goes right for the electrical cord of the ground heater (that has been moving from room to room), looks me right in the eye, grabs it and then smiles.  THEN when I say, “No Chance, that’s not to play with,” he gets a scary, determined look in his eyes, hollers his defiance at me, and shakes the cord some more.  “See this, mom?  See me shaking the cord?  What are you gonna do about it?”  (I kinda hope this part is only my imagination running wild due to lack of sleep.)

So, with those updates, I’ve gotta tell you… I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to seeing Chance clap on Christmas morning!  I remember my (much younger) kid brother clapping from excitement at Christmas and it’s just so damn endearing.  (He’d probably be mortified.)  I think Chance will be a little too young to clap from holiday excitement, but I’m going to try to get him to clap every chance I can.  (ooh, that sentence came out a little circular, didn’t it?)

And on the flip side, I’m SO DREADING the tree going up!  Even WITH the soft, plush ornaments my mom gave me for the lower branches, I know the scenario.  Me saying “no” at every turn, the bellows of defiance… it’s a whole new Christmas carol.

Would it be tacky to cordon the tree off with baby gates?             – the weirdgirl