One more update… Keen has now lost over 50 pounds!
I am super, SUPER proud of him. And he is starting to look mrrowrr sexy.
But also? He kind of sucks a little.
When I went to lose weight after having Chance it took me four months to lose 10 pounds. And I thought that was pretty good! I averaged 2.5 pounds a month (except for that first month where I don't think I lost a damn thing). I exercised, watched what I ate. Granted my diet wasn't as radical as Keen's, but I was coming off breastfeeding which means I had to fight massive hormone-induced hunger cravings.
Keen has been averaging 2.5 – 3 pounds a WEEK! Probably more. I haven't calculated it out because I don't really want to know. But he started the day after Thanksgiving. 3 1/2 months ago. 50+ pounds gone.
So on the one hand, I'm going to have to start beating the cougars off my husband with a stick. (Or throw out Gucci bags as a distraction or something. I don't know.) He's like my hunky, orange popsicles and lemonade trophy guy.
On the other… you boys and your metabolism? You stink.
– wg
You should buy something for Keen as a reward.
Wow! That’s hella impressive! Big props for being dedicated and getting over that hump when they say people give up. I made my husband stop telling me what he’d lost because I didn’t need the stress while also trying to lose!
We men do lose weight more easily–this is true. But that’s one of only a handful of advantages we men have–the advantages you women have, especially in this society, are far more numerous.
For real? 50? That’s an entire preschooler.
I’d like to lose 50 pounds. Okay, well maybe only 20. But still. On a thirty-something woman 20 is like 50.