I’ve been having one of those series of days where I keep saying, "oh, I’ll write in a little bit… OK, just a little later" and I never get to it. I’ve even been coming up with lots to write about (poetry, essays, prose) but they’ve all been such bits and pieces, ups and downs that even I start to wonder at my own loony-ness (and I should be pretty well adjusted to that by now). It’s funny how often I get creative bursts when events around me are depressing, upsetting, heartbreaking. Sometimes the most trivial detail will catch in my mind and suddenly blow up into a comedic sketch on the page, even when it feels completely askew (and inappropriate) to everything else going on. Escapism, anyone?
So something has been critical in the last week but I have been relunctant to write about here… my friend Dee’s new baby girl, born Nov. 9th, has been in the hospital since she was two days old. She has/had an intestinal blockage and possible cystic fibrosis. I did not want to infringe on my friends’ privacy and I did not want to add anything to the stress they are already feeling, however, a public blog page has now been set up to keep us all apprised of her status. If anyone feels so inclined (and if there is anyone long-distance from our circle of friends who has been missed on the email messages) you can visit them at caringbridge.org/visit/babylucia. Lucia is now out of the ICU, but I don’t have to tell you how horrible this has been and continues to be for her parents and family. I don’t think there is anything more isolating and terrifying than being in the emergency ward with your child. All the emotional support really helps.
Thanks. – wg
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