We are all mending. Chance's inflated eyeball is back to normal and (I think) I'm over the worst. It's supposed to be 103 degrees here today so I figure if any of us are going to feel crappy again it'll be then.  I'm betting a lot of people are going to be camped out at Baskin Robbins.

Robot building! Part 1.

Dell, thank you for donating a box for the body of my robot, and now that I've built a robot please bite its shiny metal ass in rememberance of the crapilicious computer you sent me and argued about every single time it needed service. Also, don't think I didn't notice that when my extended warranty ran out you "forgot" to call me for a renewal just because I was the 1 person in 1000 to make you fulfill that warranty completely. But your box? I will admit, the box is pretty decent.

Robot 003

Plumbing ducting makes it look authentic!  Danger, Will Robinson!

(Yes, that is a trampolene I'm using as a workbench.)

Robot 003

On another note, I stumbled upon this site, Apples and VCRs, "an aggregate of the curious", and I'm getting a real kick out of it.  Especiallly this ad which was featured on the site:

heathen commercial from spencer hansen on Vimeo.

Ha! Leather hugs!

            – the weirdgirl