…but I saw The Police in concert last night and you know
what?! It was SWEET!! With Elvis Costello opening no less. Yep, him and Sting sang “Allison” together. Swww-eeeeet!
Oh, and apparently I’ve turned into one of those band geeks who stares
at the drummer for the entire show (or whatever the 37-year-old
equivalent of that would be). Stewart Copeland… dude!
Aren’t I incredibly eloquent?
Flogging Molly
and Ludo are also playing a free local show this week. One of those music in the park deals. The show is early enough that I’m planning on
taking Chance, along with my good
friend. I love taking Chance to rock shows. He loves music and I always get a kick out of
his reaction. It’s just a matter of
keeping up with him on foot. (He’s always
trying to rush the stage.)
Anyway, that show is Thursday night so even though I’m
excited about BlogHer, there’s a lot of cool stuff this week.
Speaking of chick stuff, I must be walking around barefoot
or in open-backed shoes a little too much lately ‘cause, I’m not sure why, but
the shoes I put on to attend The Police concert totally ripped open blisters on
the back of my feet. I was all bloody! Didn’t notice anything except for a twinge
(now that’s a mark of a woman who’s gone through labor, eh?) but I looked down
and there were my feet bleeding. (Still
totally danced and hiked the miles-long parking lot, though.) So, contrary to the button at your right,
this might mean that I may not be
rocking BlogHer in cute shoes!
(Gasp! Horror!) If I do wear cute shoes I’ll probably be
sporting some Cars bandaids, as well. Stylish.
I might need to do some creative color-coordinating for that
– wg
Your feet are apparently hardcore, moshpit rockers! I bet that show was so fantastic. Wish they’d come anywhere near me! I do think Flogging Molly is, though, so I’ll have to check that.
Enjoy BlogHer. I wonder if I’m the only one out in the Internet who won’t be there!
I saw The Police last year. It’s amazing twat Copeland can still do after all these years, isn’t it? I loved it. And the concert was at Wrigley Field, so that was even more cool.
Wish I could go to BlogHer with you
I was hoping BlogHer would let me come, but apparantly I just registered too late. Ugh! So I’m comforting myself with music. I’m going to enjoy rushing the stage with Chance. We can jump around as I stare at the guitarists fingers.
FADKOG – you are definitely NOT the only one not going! I’m disappointed to say a few of my favorite people are not going.
ktjrdn – Yeah, the Police not only still seriously rock but you forget how many great songs they had!
Jade – we will have a blast! And don’t feel too bad about the conference… I’ll be paying a ton in parking!
I wish you all were coming to BlogHer.
I usually assume that any rock band more than 25 years old will likely suck in concert, and should probably be relegated to state-fairs and retro-hip TV commercials, but the Police really defy that. Saw them last year and they were awesome. And thank GOD they didn’t say “this is a song off our new album”
Sorry about the feet, though. We should all walk barefoot
Copeland is for sure the most interesting guy up there, but the band is certainly rocking near the end of the tour. I caught The Police at the beginning of the tour in Seattle and also last week in Portland. Night and day between those shows. Wrote a review at http://isorski.blogspot.com/2008/07/concert-review-police-again.html. Check it out!
Wait a minute, I was counting in you to have fabulous shoes. I’ll be looking for you. I’ll be the one wearing my crocs!
Flogging Molly has one of the coolest band logos ever.
Hey one of the ladies that writes for the same freelance site as me will be speaking there….her name is Jane something….interested in being a blogger for hire?
CroutonBoy – Generally, I would agree with you but I’ve seen Rolling Stones in concert and they kicked ass! (Although, they are terribly wrinkly.)
Isorski – You did a great review! Very insightful (and much more articulate than I).
Lori – At least I rocked my Scooby Doo bandaid, huh?
Evyl – They are pretty awesome all around. The Ludo/Flogging Molly show was very good! Especially for a Music in the Park. 10,000 people showed up!
Hey Bill – We should chat more.