We are off on vacation tomorrow morning!  This will be Chance's first trip to Disneyland, and my second.  I never went to Disneyland as a kid; Keen took me when he found that out.  I must have been about 19.  They say Disneyland is magical, but I think you have to go as a kid to get that magic… so I'm excited to see how Chance likes it.  And I must admit, like a lot of people, I have a love/hate relationship with Disney.  (Good storytelling, evil marketing.  Like the heartwarming, hate the cutesy.  Yadda yadda yadda.) 

I'm secretly hoping there will be another goth convention in town.  That would be cool. (What?  It's fun to see mickey-toting tourists all freaked out.)

I'm also going completely offline.  I won't be checking email (sorry, Wicked Taskmaster).  I won't be following any amazonfail-esque tweets or speculating on the potential of an Oprah/Ashton demonic alliance (although, that one kind of keeps me up at night.  Quickly followed by the nightmare where I'm being choked to death by pink princesses).  I won't even be uploading photos while we're there.  I kind of need a computer break.  I will be reading Geek Love and the latest Kim Harrison book.     

Carnies and witches.  Sounds like vacation.

See ya around the 'net when we get back!  

                  – the weirdgirl

P.S. If you type "goth mickey mouse" into google you can find this