I wanted to give a shout out this hump day to all the blogging Moms-to-be. There’s a lot of them right now (and more coming every day) and I’ve been meaning to make a celebratory list for a while.  I just want all you new and continuing moms to know I’m thinking of you, as I imagine many of us in the blog world are doing.  And you all deserve to be wined (after), dined, celebrated, and honored!

If I forget anyone on this list (or if you know someone), please forgive me, and send me a link so I can add them to the list.  Or feel free to repost this list if you want to spread the love.

Moms-To-Be (or Moms-Repeat)

Mrs. Fortune – so sorry hon, I didn’t realize how close your due date was to Katie’s!  I’m sending lots of thoughts and well wishes your way!

Katie aka ktjrdn whom I mentioned before is very very close.

Sandra – AD’s gorgeous wife is percolating along.

d.w. – Zygote Daddy and his dear wife are expecting their first.

Bite My Cookie – who JUST FOUND OUT!  woo hoo!

Spitfire and The Phoenix are expecting their THIRD!

Mo-wo and P-man are expecting their second child.

And to my buddy P: fuzzbox – Congratulations on being a grampa! 

I have also just learned that two other IRL friends of mine are also pregnant. I’m kind of hoping to sucker them into starting their own blogs. 

So send them all some love!  All of us who have been pregnant know that the closer you get to your due date the more you need a little bit of lovin’.  Also a magic wand to speed the whole thing up would help, too.  (If I could send that to you I would!)    

                   – the weirdgirl