It looks like my grandfather may be out of the woods (hope and pray)! And for a while there, he was very deep in the woods. I haven't gotten the latest latest directly, but the updates via Facebook have been fairly regular. (Thank god for Facebook. It's been the fastest way for our diverse family to communicate.) It has been a week since he went into sepsis and he continues to fight. It seems that some kidney function is coming back and is steady, but more would be better. I know that there are issues, other organs that may have been impacted, such as his heart, but we'll learn more as time goes on. (And I'll learn more once my mom calls me back. Call me back, Mom.)
BTW, it seems everyone else in the free world has called me this week. About things not related to my grandfather in the hospital.
While all this has been going on, Chance turned 5-years-old yesterday. He is very, very excited. We are having a kids party on Saturday, but Chance got to celebrate at school yesterday morning and Keen's family came over last night. It is a big deal… being 5. As a child or a parent, it feels… significant.
It is a strange thing when you are manning phones and preparing to fly out of state… trying to prepare yourself in case… but you're also putting together snake-themed goodie bags.
As one of my friends said, "That's about right, though, isn't it?"
– the weirdgirl
Wish we could be there for his party. I am so proud of him. He is such a wonderful, little man. I love him and you and Keen so much.
Still praying for Grandpa!!
So glad to hear your Grandfather is doing better!
5 is a big age. Our son just turned 5, too. Hope Chance has a great party this weekend!