This is my THIRD attempt to write this post.  Yesterday Word flipped out on me and by the time I found time to write again I… ahem… I fell asleep.  A second attempt was met with another Word barf!  (Bite me, Norton SystemsWorks.)

Anyway, more BlogHer ’08 stuff.  I just thought it was a really nice gesture from the people last year (and this year) who took the time to list who they met and I wanted to do the same.  It makes you feel good about the world when you meet such great people (an antidote to watching the news every night).

Forgive me for not printing everyone’s real name.  Really, I know your names.  However, my readers, some of which did not get to go to BlogHer, may not but I betcha they’ll know your blogs.  Plus, my fingers were getting tired typing.  In no particular order…

Spinning Yellow – I spent more time with Lori (because she’s awesome!) than any other person at the conference and I can’t believe it took me a whole week to realize I left her off this list!  I’m such a dork.  Sorry, Lori!

Katin Miller
Squid Rosenberg
Send Chocolate
Liz Henry!  (I always think of Liz Henry with an exclamation point. I don’t know why.)
Ms. Adventures in Italy 
A Mommy Story
Mom Without A Map 
The Lemonade Stand, also at
Jenny on the Spot 
Living in the Tension 
Rockin Mama
Friday Playdate 
Aviva, Be Yourself. On Purpose 
Lesbian Dad
Shannon Sez So 
Geek Mommy 
Sarah and the Goon Squad 
Oh, The Joys 
Love Babz, also at The Pussy Chats
i am bossy 
WhyMommy, also at Mothers With Cancer
Zip ‘n’ Tizzy
The Mummy Chronicles, also at Flaming Tulle
The Karianna Spectrum 
Mom O Matic 
Of… the Princess and the Pea 
Marie Millard 
Forging Ahead 
Preteens, Toddlers and Newborns, Oh My!
Jenny Lauck, Three Kid Circus 
Not Just a Working Mom 
Mother Proof
A Boomer’s Life After 50 
Queen of Spain
Motherhood Uncensored
Mommy Needs a Cocktail
Her Bad Mother
The Hot Mommas Project
and finally… Eve – (I don’t have your blog, my dear, just your twitter!)

If I missed anyone please yell at me in the comments and I will add you.  I confess I was not (drunk) always (drunk) myself (drunk).  I also met a whole bunch of people from very interesting companies, of which I am still visiting.

I actually have more to share from BlogHer (because of course, I have opinions!) but right now I must attend to the care of my child.  Update later.  I promise not to be too wordy.

Are you all BlogHer’d out yet?         – the weirdgirl