I think I might have accidentally taken an extra beta blocker today. I don't think it will do anything bad (I think) but I'm feeling awfully sleepy. I might have only taken one pill, and it could just be that's it hot or I'm hormonal or something, but I honestly can't remember. This summer has been weird. I seem to be vascillating between being fuzzy brain or being wide-awake at 2:00 in the morning and wanting to jog. (I mean, when have I EVER wanted to jog?!) I'm not gonna lie, this thyroid crap is kind of fucked up, but it makes for some interesting conversations.
Hey wg! How you doing?
Hi! It's so nice to see you! Oh, you know, maybe overdosing a little, I'm not sure. But I feel OK! How are you?
Oh my god, did you accidentally take an extra pill? I've totally done that!
I know! And then you get all panicky because you don't know what it's gonna do!
And THEN you have to pop an extra anxiety pill!
And worry about THAT!
Ha ha ha! Snort! Ha ha! Woooh!
I bet nurses hate us.
You’ll be fine. I’ve done that too. Although your metabolism will go in s…l…o…w motion.