The scene is the kitchen; Keen is doing dishes, I’m running in and out doing something or other.
Keen: “Hey, could you stir my bacon?”
Me: “What?! Oh. Oh, yeah…” (me, stirring the pot of bacon cooking for chili) “Wow, for a minute there that just, somehow, sounded really dirty.”
Keen: “What did?”
Me: “You know, ‘Hey baby, stir my bacon.’”
Keen: “I’d like you to stir my bacon.”
Me: “Yeah, I bet you would.”
Long pause
Me: “Which part anatomically would be the bacon?”
Watch out for the hash browns.
Oh Phoenix, you make me laugh!
In retrospect, I think I was confused about the spoon.
I thought it was just me who could hear sexual innuendo in any of the most benign of comments!
And I thought it was only the breakfast sausages that would be dirty that way…