Last week I finally started losing some of the weight I gained when I was on the Pill.  And Saturday I gained it all back.  Me and my good friend, Godmother, threw a baby shower for our other good friend Dee.  It was pretty informal, except for the serious eating of course.  We weren’t very consistent with the shower games (they were just an excuse to give away prizes anyway), we weren’t consistent with any sort of schedule (ran two hours over and enjoyed more kvetching than opening gifts), but we were consistent with the eating.  Especially the scrumptious cake.  (Hey, any woman will tell you that food is always an essential part of girl time.)   

The best showers are all about hanging out and celebrating with your girls.  Oh, and having really cute decorations and/or favors!!  (What?)

As I’m still full and can barely balance my laptop on my aching belly, tonight I’m just posting pictures.

Scarlett Johansson, by the way, bears a striking resemblance to my friend Dee. In fact, when Scarlett first started showing up on the screen scene I could not for the life of me figure out why she looked so familiar.  Until, as I was puzzling it over yet again watching a Netflix movie, I said so to Keen.  He looked at me in utter astonishment and said, “Hello?  She looks like DEE!" Oh yeah, duh.

And just to prove it to you…

Dsc01484_rotated_1  Scarlettjohansson42_1

Because I LOVED our favors…  (Thanks Godmother!)


Playing games… with the little girls – who won all the shower games, by the way (and yes, that’s me in the red). 


And the flowers. (Yes, I AM a girl!)


(Thanks Chris for all the pictures.     – wg)